This is post is taken from the Frequently Asked Questions.
Excellent 2 hour long beginner level video: Jack Mallers on Tetragrammaton with Rick Rubin
Free introductory course called Welcome to Bitcoin from Swan Bitcoin
End The FUD – The best articles debunking Bitcoin FUD
Thank God for Bitcoin website: Sound Money Matters. Our goal is to educate and equip Christians to understand Bitcoin and use it for the glory of God and the good of people everywhere.
Saifedean’s Austrian economics course: ECON103: Principles of Austrian Economics
Should Christians Invest in Bitcoin?
Love Your Neigbour Money pamphlet by Pastor Alin Armstrong
The Economics of War with Alex Gladstein
What is Money, Anyway – Lyn Alden
(Part 1),
(Part 2),
(Part 3)
“If a money (the most salable good) is easy to create more of, then any rational economic actor would just go out and create more money for herself, diluting the whole supply of it. If an asset has a monetary premium on top of its pure utility value, then it’s strongly incentivizing market participants to try to make more of it, and so only the forms of money that are the most resistant to debasement can withstand this challenge.” – Lyn Alden (
A guy named Guy Swann on Bitcoin Audible has a great series on fiat money too. He was conservative politically but has converted to be libertarian and has a couple of great podcasts talking about money. These are some of my favorite because he goes heavy into economics on these:
Fiat Materialism
How Inflation Destroys Civilization
Fiat Waste “People look around and they see a wasteful world. They see endless, mindless consumption. Increasingly, we see people fearing the future rather than hoping for it.”
Fiat Replacement Theory “Fiat money has a collection of malincentives and consequences for the degrading and rotting of society. As we covered in the first part of this series, it leads to mindless consumerism and a more materialist culture. As we continue, I want to cover something else that it does by stealing the value of our savings which is our bet on the future health and capacity of society to provide for us. What happens when we are forced to bet against the future. As well as artificially lowering the price to replace things in the economy, until an enormous amount of the economic engine is built around quick financing, low quality products, and then throwing it away to finance the next thing. It’s time for a Guy’s Take episode, This is The Fiat Replacement Theory.”
Fiat Finance “Many people make the serious miscalculation, that if the CPI isn’t too high, then printing money isn’t a problem and doesn’t really cost them anything. This couldn’t be further from the truth. All it means is that the cost is just that much harder to see. But if you want to look at something that is truly dominated by the fiat culture and incentives of the money, there is no better example, than finance. This is where the money printing begins, and so all of the disastrous effects of monetary inflation and fiat, occur first, and to the greatest degree, in the financial sector. So take a dive, into fiat finance. Its time for a guy’s take episode…”
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